7D6N Birding Trip in Tangkoko & Gunung Mahawu Tomohon

 7D6N Birding Trip in Tangkoko & Gunung Mahawu Tomohon
With Mr. Fadzrun Adnan & Family from Singapura

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📧 onotinungki30@gmail.com
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Our Highlights

Day 1
Jalan Batu Putih, Ranowulu District, North Sulawesi
Jun 07, 2024
3:28 PM
0.81km - 63 minutes
3 White-faced Cuckoo-Dove 
4 Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped) 
7 Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon 
2 Bay Coucal 
1 Yellow-billed Malkoha 
1 Black-billed Koel -- Heard
8 Glossy Swiftlet 
3 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
3 Knobbed Hornbill 
6 Sulawesi Hornbill - ON
3 Collared Kingfisher 
3 Purple-winged Roller 
2 Ashy Woodpecker 
3 Azure-rumped Parrot 
2 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed)

Jalan Batu Putih, Ranowulu District, North Sulawesi
Jun 07, 2024
4:39 PM
0.21km - 6 minutes
2 Oriental Darter 
1 Striated Heron 
1 Javan Pond-Heron

Day 2
Tangkoko Batuangus NR--forest
Jun 08, 2024
5:46 AM
9.25 km - 396 minutes
2 Philippine Megapode 
1 White-faced Cuckoo-Dove 
1 Stephan's Dove 
7 Black-naped Fruit-Dove 
2 Green Imperial-Pigeon 
1 Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon 
3 Bay Coucal 
2 Lesser Coucal 
1 Black-billed Koel -- Heard
2 Channel-billed Cuckoo 
1 Glossy Swiftlet 
15 swiftlet sp. 
7 Gray-rumped Treeswift 
2 Barred Rail 
1 Rufous-bellied Eagle 
1 White-bellied Sea-Eagle 
1 Common Kingfisher 
2 Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher 
1 Green-backed Kingfisher - ON
1 Purple-winged Roller 
1 Black-naped Oriole 
9 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) 
1 Pale-blue Monarch -- Heard
2 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
2 Sulawesi Babbler -- Heard
1 Yellow-sided Flowerpecker 
3 Gray-sided Flowerpecker 
1 Sahul Sunbird

Jalan Batu Putih, Ranowulu District, North Sulawesi, ID
Jun 08, 2024
2:24 PM
1.42 km - 47 Minutes
1 Bay Coucal 
1 Yellow-billed Malkoha 
2 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed)

Tangkoko Batuangus NR--Batu Putih Village
Jun 08, 2024
4:57 PM
3,18 km - 35 menit
1 Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 
3 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi) 
1 Pacific Swallow 
4 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
38 Finch-billed Myna 
19 Asian Glossy Starling 
5 Yellow-sided Flowerpecker 
5 Gray-sided Flowerpecker 
1 Brown-throated Sunbird 
1 Sahul Sunbird 
8 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Benteng Beach (Batuputih)
Jun 08, 2024
8:24 PM
39 minutes
1 Sulawesi Scops-Owl -- Seen in flight. Finally got it in pic.

Day 3
Tangkoko Batuangas NR--overlook
Jun 09, 2024
6:01 AM
1.23km - 75 minutes
1 Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (Sulawesi) 
1 White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon -- Heard
2 Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped) 
4 Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon 
1 Yellow-billed Malkoha 
16 Glossy Swiftlet 
4 Uniform Swiftlet 
5 Knobbed Hornbill 
4 Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 
1 Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 
4 Black-naped Oriole (Sulawesi) 
6 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) 
2 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi) 
4 Gray-sided Flowerpecker 
5 Sahul Sunbird

Jalan Batu Putih, Ranowulu District, North Sulawesi, ID
Jun 09, 2024
7:47 AM
0.50km - 33 minutes
1 Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped) 
1 Black-billed Koel -- Heard
1 Sulawesi Dwarf-Kingfisher -- Male. Skittish female remained hidden.

Birdhouse Homestay Tangkoko
Jun 09, 2024
8:31 AM
0,24 km - 36 menit
7 Glossy Swiftlet 
3 Gray-rumped Treeswift 
4 Finch-billed Myna 
1 Black Sunbird 
1 Sahul Sunbird

Ranowulu, North Sulawesi, ID (1.563, 125.154)
Jun 09, 2024
9:21 AM
0,33 km
31 menit
10 Glossy Swiftlet 
3 Gray-rumped Treeswift 
5 White-rumped Cuckooshrike 
1 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi) 
2 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
20 Finch-billed Myna 
2 Black Sunbird 
2 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Tangkoko Batuangas NR--overlook
Jun 09, 2024
10:58 AM
2.81 km - 86 minutes
18 Glossy Swiftlet 
1 Gray-rumped Treeswift 
1 Knobbed Hornbill 
1 Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 
1 Black-naped Oriole (Sulawesi) 
1 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) 
3 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
2 Finch-billed Myna 
2 White-necked Myna (Northern) 
3 Black Sunbird 
2 Sahul Sunbird

Jalan Batu Putih, Ranowulu District, North Sulawesi, ID (1.54, 125.131)
Jun 09, 2024
4:23 PM
1.09km - 139 minutes
1 Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (Sulawesi) 
1 White-faced Cuckoo-Dove 
1 Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped) 
6 Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon 
2 Bay Coucal -- Heard and finally seen.
2 Yellow-billed Malkoha 
2 Black-billed Koel -- Heard and finally seen.
3 Channel-billed Cuckoo 
1 Great Eared-Nightjar (Sulawesi) -- Heard at 1815.
4 Glossy Swiftlet 
15 Gray-rumped Treeswift 
1 Isabelline Bush-hen -- Heard
2 Sulawesi Goshawk 
1 Brahminy Kite -- Flew in after sunset at 1750.
1 Minahasa Masked-Owl -- Responded to playback. Seen in flight.
2 Sulawesi Hornbill 
2 Purple-winged Roller 
1 Azure-rumped Parrot -- Female
2 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) - ON

Day 4
Jalan Batu Putih, Ranowulu District, North Sulawesi, ID (1.54, 125.131)
June 10, 2024
5:41 AM
1.05km - 61 minutes
1 Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (Sulawesi) 
1 White-faced Cuckoo-Dove 
2 Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped) 
7 Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon 
1 Black-billed Koel 
1 Channel-billed Cuckoo 
20 Glossy Swiftlet 
4 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
1 Purple-winged Roller 
2 Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 
1 Black-naped Oriole (Sulawesi) 
2 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) - ON
2 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi)

Ranowulu, North Sulawesi, ID (1,563, 125,154)
June 10, 2024
6:55 AM
0.42km - 18 minutes
2 Pink-necked Green-Pigeon 
1 Black-naped Fruit-Dove 
1 Lesser Coucal 
1 Black-billed Koel 
3 Glossy Swiftlet 
4 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
1 Collared Kingfisher -- Heard
4 Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 
4 White-rumped Cuckooshrike 
6 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
20 Finch-billed Myna 
1 Sahul Sunbird 
5 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Tangkoko Batuangus NR--Batu Putih Village
June 10, 2024
7:18 AM
0.33km - 22 minutes
2 Gray-cheeked Green-Pigeon 
4 Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon 
2 Common Kingfisher 
2 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi)

Tangkoko Batuangus NR--forest
June 10, 2024
7:47 AM
7.08 km - 241 minutes
2 Philippine Megapode -- Heard
1 Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (Sulawesi) 
2 Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped) 
3 Bay Coucal 
2 Yellow-billed Malkoha -- Heard
1 Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle -- Heard
1 Spot-tailed Goshawk -- Heard. Finally spotted the spot-tail bird calling.
2 Ochre-bellied Boobook 
2 Knobbed Hornbill 
1 Green-backed Kingfisher -- With an earthworm.
4 Ashy Woodpecker -- 2 pairs
3 Black-naped Oriole (Sulawesi) 
5 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) 
4 Pale-blue Monarch 
2 Sulawesi Babbler 
1 Rusty-backed Thrush -- Heard

Tangkoko Batuangus NR--coastal boat trip
June 10, 2024
2:27 PM
13.17 km - 151 minutes
1 Spotted Dove -- Heard
4 Pink-necked Green-Pigeon 
7 Pied Imperial-Pigeon 
3 swiftlet sp. 
9 Javan Plover -- Rufous wash on cheeks seen. At low tide.
70 Black-naped Tern 
20 Pacific Reef-Heron -- Both morphs present.
2 Striated Heron 
1 Brahminy Kite 
1 White-bellied Sea-Eagle 
2 Great-billed Kingfisher 
3 Collared Kingfisher 
3 Rainbow Bee-eater 
1 Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 
1 White-breasted Woodswallow 
1 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi) 
4 Pacific Swallow 
2 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
3 Sahul Sunbird

Tangkoko Batuangus NR--Dove Resort
June 10, 2024
7:58 PM
0.22km - 28 minutes
2 Sulawesi Scops-Owl 
2 Ochre-bellied Boobook

Day 5
Gardenia Country Inn
June 11, 2024
11:43 AM
0.63 miles - 117 minutes
1 Little Bronze-Cuckoo -- Photographed after hearing it calling
1 Glossy Swiftlet 
6 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
3 Barred Rail 
2 Collared Kingfisher 
1 Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker 
2 Sulawesi Myzomela 
2 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi) 
1 Pacific Swallow 
10 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
4 Sahul Sunbird 
17 Scaly-breasted Munia 
9 Chestnut Munia 
10 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Tomohon Prayer Hill
June 11, 2024
6:41 PM
0.10 miles - 21 minutes
1 Sulawesi Scops Owl 
1 Speckled Boobook 

Day 6
Mount Mahawu (roadside 1,000-1,300m)
June 12, 2024
6:23 AM
2.12 miles - 116 minutes
7 Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (Sulawesi) 
2 Red-eared Fruit-Dove 
2 Superb Fruit-Dove 
2 White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon 
3 Bay Coucal 
1 Black-billed Koel 
2 Brush Cuckoo 
6 Glossy Swiftlet 
1 Uniform Swiftlet 
1 Barred Rail 
3 Isabelline Bush-hen 
1 Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 
1 Sulawesi Myzomela 
5 Sulphur-bellied Whistler 
2 Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed) 
3 Citrine Canary-Flycatcher 
3 Streak-headed White-eye 
11 Warbling White-eye 
4 Black-crowned White-eye 
2 Sulawesi Babbler 
1 Turquoise Flycatcher 
3 Sulawesi Blue Flycatcher (Sulawesi) 
1 Yellow-sided Flowerpecker 
3 Grey-sided Flowerpecker

Kelong Park
June 12, 2024
9:35 AM
0.62 miles - 66 minutes
3 Feral Pigeon 
1 Lesser Coucal 
5 Glossy Swiftlet 
20 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
8 Uniform Swiftlet 
3 House Swift -- White band on rump and dark upperside.
1 Barred Rail 
2 Cinnamon Bittern 
26 Eastern Cattle Egret 
1 Purple Heron 
1 Common Kingfisher 
2 Collared Kingfisher 
1 Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 
4 Pacific Swallow 
3 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
1 Yellow-sided Flowerpecker 
1 Grey-sided Flowerpecker 
1 Brown-throated Sunbird 
5 Sahul Sunbird 
8 Scaly-breasted Munia - CM
7 Chestnut Munia - CM
22 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

South Tondano, North Sulawesi
June 12, 2024
11:34 AM
0.12 miles
2 minutes
4 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
9 Black Kite -- Soaring together
1 Pacific Swallow 
6 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

South Tondano, North Sulawesi
June 12, 2024
11:38 AM
1.17 miles - 18 minutes
1 Spotted Dove 
21 Pied Stilt 
5 Little Egret 
2 Javan Pond Heron 
2 Golden-headed Cisticola 
10 Scaly-breasted Munia 
3 Chestnut Munia 
10 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

South Tondano, North Sulawesi, ID (1,277, 124.89)
June 12, 2024
2:37 PM
0.87 miles - 15 minutes
6 Glossy Swiftlet 
30 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
2 Common Moorhen 
6 Whiskered Tern 
5 Javan Pond Heron 
1 Collared Kingfisher 
5 Pacific Swallow 
1 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
30 Scaly-breasted Munia 
7 Chestnut Munia 
30 Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Lake Linow
June 12, 2024
3:35 PM
36 minutes
200 Wandering Whistling-Duck 
40 Sunda Teal 
4 Glossy Swiftlet 
40 Sulawesi Swiftlet 
3 Barred Rail 
4 Australasian Swamphen 
2 White-breasted Waterhen 
17 Little Egret 
250 Eastern Cattle Egret 
3 Osprey 
1 Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 
1 Pygmy Hanging-Parrot 
3 White-breasted Woodswallow 
20 Pacific Swallow 
3 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
1 Warbling White-eye 
2 Black-crowned White-eye

Day 7
Mount Mahawu (roadside 1,000-1,300m)
June 13, 2024
5:54 AM
4.19 miles - 180 minutes
1 Red Junglefowl -- Flushed. Seen in trail near summit parking area.
2 Red-eared Fruit-Dove -- At the same fruiting tree seen yesterday.
2 White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon -- A most difficult bird to approach and see well. Very sensitive due to the intense hunting pressure it is under.
2 Bay Coucal 
3 Yellow-billed Malkoha 
2 Black-billed Koel 
2 Brush Cuckoo 
12 Glossy Swiftlet 
1 Buff-banded Rail 
2 Barred Rail 
3 Isabelline Bush-hen 
1 Brahminy Kite 
5 Collared Kingfisher 
1 Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot 
3 Sulawesi Myzomela 
2 Sulphur-bellied Whistler 
1 Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi) 
3 Citrine Canary-Flycatcher 
3 Sulawesi Bush Warbler 
10 Sooty-headed Bulbul 
3 Mountain Tailorbird 
11 Warbling White-eye 
4 Black-crowned White-eye 
6 Sulawesi Babbler 
1 Turquoise Flycatcher 
2 Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker 
2 Grey-sided Flowerpecker 
1 Crimson Sunbird (Sulawesi) 
12 Scaly-breasted Munia 
13 Chestnut Munia

Mount Tumpa Forest Park
June 13, 2024
3 hr, 14 min
0,8 km
Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove (Sulawesi)
Gray-cheeked Green-Pigeon
Yellow-billed Malkoha
Brush Cuckoo
Glossy Swiftlet
Sulawesi Swiftlet
Gray-rumped Treeswift
Buff-banded Rail
Barred Rail
Isabelline Bush-hen
Brahminy Kite
Ochre-bellied Boobook
Knobbed Hornbill
Sulawesi Hornbill
Collared Kingfisher
Ashy Woodpecker
Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot
Sulawesi Pitta
Sulawesi Cicadabird
Black-naped Oriole (Sulawesi)
Hair-crested Drongo (White-eyed)
Slender-billed Crow (Sulawesi)
Gray-sided Flowerpecker
Sahul Sunbird


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